Death of a Salesman – Play – Short Order Theatre Company

Shows I've Seen | Theatre Reviews
Musicals, Plays, Concerts, Oh My! (and other Performing Arts)
Type: Rock Musical
Recommendation: Yes but only if you’re into local theater productions that are mostly high talented (with some rough edges) but are also low budget. I will say that I bought the soundtrack shortly after the performance so that’s usually a good sign.
Negatives: As mentioned above, it was very low budget. Also, one of the character roles was not cast well according to vocal range.
Story, Script, and Lyrics: It’s a story of 2 opposite mid-western country bumpkin sisters moving to New York City and forming a love triangle with a guy. The characters in this main vein and other side storylines all try to find meaning during different phases of life. It’s a very moving combination of journeys. I’ll admit, I did shed a tear (or two).
Cast and Theater Company: Reboot Theater Company provided a superb group of non-equity actors. They took liberties to do gender-neutral casting for 3 characters who were supposed to be male. I’ve noticed Seattle seems to like doing gender-neutral and color-blind casting. For the most part, it worked out well except for one because the role was outside of her vocal range.
Venue and Set: This was performed at the Pocket Theater’s smaller venue called “The Slate.” It’s a tiny room in an old building that used to either be an elementary school or a federal immigration office. There was no ventilation so it got pretty stuffy inside the “theater.” Again, this was very low budget so the set/props were extremely austere (phones were imaginary). The room was so tiny, actors were sometimes a foot away from you and might have even touched you. Bathrooms were old. Drinks were allowed inside the set/audience.
Music and Audio: Live music with adequate volume. There were no microphones but the room was so small that it wasn’t necessary.
Price: $ – Cheap!
Dates: 11-4-2016 to 11-19-2016
Seating: Open seating