June is the First Fall – Play – Review – Yun Theatre and Theatre Off Jackson

@showsiveseen Yilong Liu's "June is the First Fall" #play by Yun Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson starring @Seba. Finally, a show with a #gaysian perspective! Lots of "awws" from the audience. Closes 6/27. #gay #lgbt #theatre #showsiveseen #asian #chinese ♬ Fly Me To The Moon – 林培鈞

Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): Yilong Liu’s June is the First Fall play by Yun Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson starring Sebastian Wang. Finally, a show with a gaysian perspective! Lots of “awws” from the audience. #gay #lgbt

See it if you want to support Asian theatre or gay-themed theatre.

My Synopsis (No Spoilers): The prodigal gaysian son comes home from the Big Apple and confronts the past that he left behind.

Synopsis from the Licensor or Theatre Company: Written by Lilong Liu, June is the First Fall tells the story of Don, a gay Chinese man, who returns home to Hawaii to rediscover missing memories of his family that he moved away from. This return opens up wounds that never healed, revealing the struggles in this family to find love, acceptance, and belonging.

Attended Performance Date: Opening Night 7/11/24

Type: Play

World Premiere: No

Several or Few Scenes: Several

Several or Few Settings/Locations: Most of the story took place in the living room of a childhood home

Static (Stationary) Set? Yes

Prior Exposure/Knowledge Required: No, but you’d probably enjoy this play more if you’re gay or Asian.

Defined Plot/Storyline: It veered more toward a dialogue play than an action play.

Equity Actors: 0

Total Number of Actors: 5

Perceived Pace of the Show: Slow to medium speed

Was there an intermission? No

Length (Including Any Intermission): 100 minutes

Was This the First Time I Attended a Production of this Show? Yes

Would I See It Again 3 Years from Now? No

Mainstream Appeal: Low to medium

Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned Above

  • Favorite Line: Something like “Grindr is Facebook for gays.” “But they don’t have any faces!”
  • Bombshell: The “relationship” reveal in the second half of the play was a good bombshell for traditional parents.


  • A/C: I don’t think Theatre Off Jackson has “air con.” It was a bit warm what with the well-sized audience and the spotlights.
  • Translation: The lines spoken in Chinese needed English subtitles.

Other Musing(s) and Observation(s)

  • Main Character Relatability: I’m torn regarding my feelings about the main character Don (played by Sebastian Wang), who was a gay Asian. As a gaysian myself, I mostly did not identify with his character. Maybe it’s because I live a more conservative lifestyle than Don or the typical gay guy. Or maybe it’s because my coming out experience was good. But honestly, his coming out experience wasn’t that bad in my book. In fact, his coming out experience was pretty tame other than a senseless tragedy that was only associated because of temporal sequential proximity. I felt like Don was unnecessarily maudlin, bitter, angsty, sensitive, and self-isolated. Wait … on second thought, maybe I can actually relate to him and I’m just projecting! 😛
  • Tension: On a similar note, the tensions felt throughout the play didn’t seem merited. The conflicts didn’t substantiate why the characters treated each other so apprehensively. Like, can the playwright add an unforgivable scandalous betrayal somewhere to make things more interesting?
  • Mooncakes: I’m not sure what they served at concessions, but it would have been so fitting if they handed out mooncakes after the opening night performance.

Theatre Company: Yun Theatre and Theatre Off Jackson

Venue: Theatre Off Jackson

Venue Physical Address: 409 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104

Price Range: $30

Ticket Affordability Options: You can self-select the $20 “access” ticket option on the ticketing website.

Dates: July 11 to 27, 2024

Seating: General Admission

Parking: Paid street parking is usually available north of the theatre on the hill close to the park. You can also try free parking on Jackson Street under/past the I-5 bridge, though it’s a dodgier area. As usual, there are paid parking lots nearby as well.

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Pictures: See pictures below and in video by Elodie Li.

Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.
Photo by Elodie Li.

Anyone Can Whistle – Musical – Review – Reboot Theatre & Theatre Off Jackson

@showsiveseen "Anyone Can Whistle" #Sondheim #musical by Reboot Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson. Starring @Anamaria Guerzon, @Rhys, & Shana Emile. The exploration of binary absolutes vs shades of grey fit perfectly with Reboot Theatre's typical nontraditional casting interpretations. Closes this weekend 3/23/24! #theatre #showsiveseen Review: showsiveseen.com/8229 Photos: Colin Madison Director: @Jasmine Joshua Stage Manager: @Jessamyn Bateman-Iin ♬ Everybody Says Don't – Barbra Streisand

Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): Anyone Can Whistle Sondheim musical by Reboot Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson. The exploration of binary absolutes vs shades of grey fit perfectly with Reboot Theatre’s typical nontraditional casting interpretations.

See it if either 1) you enjoyed Urinetown 2) or you want to see a whimsical Sondheim musical. Bonus points if you enjoy Sondheim’s characteristic cacophonous dissonant musical style.

Synopsis from the Theatre: This wacky, intelligent, highly unconventional musical points ahead to Stephen Sondheim’s groundbreaking work in the 1970s, even as it keeps a foot firmly rooted in musical theatre’s “golden age.” Anyone Can Whistle tells the story of a corrupt mayor who fakes a miracle to revitalize her bankrupt town, and the ill-fated romance between the rational nurse, out to expose the fraud, and the easygoing doctor who is determined to enjoy the chaos that it brings.

Attended Performance Date: Opening Night 3/9/24 – Keep your eyes peeled for my preview posts on my website and social media if you want earlier notification of shows I’ve seen. Get your tickets now since it closes this weekend on 3/23/24!

Type: Musical

World Premiere: No

Several or Few Scenes: Several

Several or Few Settings/Locations: Several

Static (Stationary) Set? Yes

Prior Exposure/Knowledge Required: No

Defined Plot/Storyline: Yes

Live Band/Orchestra: Yes

Equity Actors: 0

Total Number of Actors: 15

Perceived Pace of the Show: Medium speed

Length (Including Any Intermission): 2.5 hours

Was there an intermission? Yes

Was This the First Time I Attended a Production of this Show? Yes

Would I See It Again 3 Years from Now? I’d consider seeing it again as an Equity production, which is surprising since I typically dislike Sondheim musicals.

Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned Above

  • Ensemble Songs: The shining moments in this show were when the entire cast burst into song at the same time like in “Miracle Song” when they discovered water.

Theatre Company: Reboot Theatre and Theatre Off Jackson

Venue: Theatre Off Jackson

Venue Physical Address: 409 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104

Price: Cheap

Tickets: https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/reboottheatre/whistle

Ticket Affordability Options: You can self-select the $5 inclusion rate option on the website

Dates: March 8 to 23, 2024

Seating: Assigned Seating

Parking: Paid street parking is usually available north of the theatre on the hill close to the park. You can also try free parking on Jackson Street under/past the I-5 bridge, though it’s a dodgier area. As usual, there are paid parking lots nearby as well.

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Pictures: See pictures below and in video above by Colin Madison Photography.

Shana Emile as Cora Hoover Hooper with her Goons. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
Shana Emile and June Apollo Johns. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
Puppetry and the Cast of Anyone Can Whistle. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
Miles Wingett and Cynthia Dario-Good. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
June Apollo Johns and the Cast of Anyone Can Whistle. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
The Cast of Anyone Can Whistle. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.
Anamaria Guerzon and the Cast of Anyone Can Whistle. Photo by Colin Madison Photography.

Preview Post – Anyone Can Whistle – Musical – Reboot Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson

Anyone Can Whistle wacky Sondheim musical opening weekend by Reboot Theatre at Theatre Off Jackson. Performing until 3/23/24. Stay tuned for my full review!

Final Full Review (Posted 3/20/24): https://www.showsiveseen.com/anyone-can-whistle-musical-review-reboot-theatre-theatre-off-jackson/

Tickets: https://reboottheatre.org/

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Bloodletting – Play – Pork Filled Productions & Theatre Off Jackson

Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): Bloodletting play by Pork Filled Productions at Theatre Off Jackson directed by Zenaida R. Smith. Filipino story about Aswangs with a queer spin. I felt like I was back in the Philippines! #Aswang #showsiveseen #theatre #palawan

See it if you want to reminisce about the Philippines

Synopsis from the Theatre: Under the watchful moon, estranged siblings Farrah and Bosley reunite in the Philippines to spread their father’s ashes in Palawan’s treasured underground river. They take shelter from a storm in a local café, where they open old family wounds and encounter an aswang, a Filipino vampire, who awakens in Farrah an ancient, terrifying, and innate power. Will she embrace her new-found power? Or let it destroy herself and her brother?

Attended Performance Date: 10/20/23 (Opening Weekend) – See my previous preview posts here.

Type: Play

World Premiere: No

Several or Few Scenes: Few

Several or Few Settings/Locations: Few

Static (Stationary) Set: Yes

Prior Exposure/Knowledge Required: You should be familiar with Aswangs. The program contains a good explanation. People who don’t know what Aswangs are (sadly me) and who didn’t read the Aswangs article (me again) might struggle understanding what an Aswangs is when watching this play. The theatre’s synopsis touts them as “vampires,” but that word is too limiting. But I guess there isn’t a western term that encompasses this Filipino concept.

Defined Plot/Storyline: Mostly yes, but there’s only so much that can occur with few scenes/locations

Equity Actors: 0

Total Number of Actors: 4

Perceived Pace of the Show: Slow, especially with the large amount of dialogue. However, it did help to have fight scenes where the Aswang used their power.

Length (Including Any Intermission): 2 hours

Was there an intermission?: Yes

Was This the First Time I Attended a Production of this Show: Yes

Would I See It Again 3 Years from Now: No

Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned in Elevator Thoughts

  • Scenic Design: The stage accurately portrayed what a typical eatery might look like in the Philippines in the middle of nowhere. It had thatch-like bahay kubo flair.
  • LeeLee: I probably enjoyed Anna Mulia’s portrayal of LeeLee the most. She portrayed mystery, youthful energy, and a good impression of a Pinay born in the Philippines.
  • Audio: The sound effects were well-timed and well-chosen.

Other Musing(s) and Observation(s)

  • Blood: For a play called “Bloodletting,” I thought there would be more blood!

Theatre Company: Pork Filled Productions

Venue: Theatre Off Jackson

Venue Physical Address: 409 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104

Price: Cheap

Regular Tickets: https://porkfilled.com/wp/pfp-presents-bloodletting/

Ticket Affordability Options: You can self-select “access pricing” on the ticketing website.

Dates: October 19 to November 4, 2023

Seating: General Admission

Parking: Paid street parking is usually available north of the theatre on the hill close to the park. You can also try free parking on Jackson Street closer to the I-5 bridge. As usual, there are paid parking lots nearby as well.

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Other Video +/- Pictures: See pictures in video and under video by Roger Tang

Cast and Production Team: See after pictures and/or video below

@showsiveseen "Bloodletting" #play by @Pork Filled Productions at Theatre Off Jackson directed by Zenaida R. Smith. #Filipino story about #Aswangs with a queer spin. I felt like I was back in the #Philippines! Photos: Roger Tang. Review: showsiveseen.com/6958 #Aswang #showsiveseen #theatre #palawan ♬ Monster – Riduan Richie
Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton) forces Leelee (Anna Mulia) to her knees. Photo by Roger Tang.
Jenry (Sam Prudente) tends to an ailing Bosley (Matt Dela Cruz). Photo by Roger Tang.
Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton) is struck by a realization sparked by Jenry (Sam Prudente). Photo by Roger Tang.
Chaos erupts as Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton tends to Bosley (Matt Dela Cruz) and Leelee (Ann Mulia) sees to Jenry (Sam Prudente). Photo by Roger Tang.
Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton) and Leelee (Anna Mulia) struggle over an urn of ashes. Photo by Roger Tang.
Bosley (Matt Dela Ctuz) and Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton) suddenly notices it has mysteriously stopped raining. Photo by Roger Tang.
Leelee (Anna Mulia) and Farrah (Jen-Ai Clinton) engage in a supernatural battle. Photo by Roger Tang.
Leelee Anna Mulia
Jenry Sam Prudente
Farrah Jen-Ai Clinton
Bosley Matt Dela Cruz
UnderstudiesAnamaria Guerzon
Kendall Uyeji
DirectorZenaida R. Smith
PlaywrightBoni B. Alvarez
Assistant DirectorDavid Le
Stage ManagerOmar Faust
Assistant Stage ManagerAlister James Stern
Cultural Consultant and DramaturgEloisa Cardona
Assistant DramaturgAnamaria Guerzon
ElectricianRobert Lucy
Outreach Sam Qiambo
Props DesignerJessamyn Bateman-Iino
Lighting DesignerEmily Leong
Intimacy & Fight ConsultantJasmine Lomax
Set Designer and BuilderRobin Macartnery
Costume DesignerCorinne Park-Buffelen
Sound DesignerJosh Valdez
Social Media CoordinatorLinda Rigor
Production ManagerP. Alyda Sorm
Graphic DesignerKwesi Phillips
ProducersOmar Faust
David Le
P. Alyda Sorm
Roger Tang
Kendall Uyeji
Josh Valdez

Preview Post – Bloodletting – Play – Pork Filled Productions & Theatre Off Jackson

Bloodletting play opening weekend by Pork Filled Productions at Theatre Off Jackson. Performing until 11/4/23. Stay tuned for my full review! #showsiveseen #theatre #palawan #Philippines #Aswang

Tickets: https://porkfilled.com/wp/pfp-presents-bloodletting/

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